A Gentleman's Guide





Whitney Houston once sang about how she believed the children were the future, and we’re spending our second annual Gratitude issue with one of those children. We’ll, almost. Grant Loveless is certainly not a child, but he does represent the next generation of SGL gentlemen of color. Grant was born and raised in Austin but moved to Manor, Texas with his family when he was ten. He’s currently a sophomore at Austin Community College, where he’s working on his Associate’s in Psychology. He plans to transfer to Rice University to double major in psychology and political science.The only thing that outshines his youthful smile is his dedication ensuring that the SGL black and brown students at Austin Community College have access to all the tools they need to be successful.

Those of us of a particular age may be familiar with the “the only reason you can [insert privilege here] is because we [insert the things older gays claim they did for us here, but just know that they didn’t actually partake in the doing, they just read about it somewhere and were alive at the time and that means they were involved]!” Almost all of us have been scolded by a community elder who thinks we’re not doing enough and that we don’t appreciate their alleged sacrifices. Don’t get us wrong, because we’re well aware of the sacrifices there were made for us by those who came before us...we just don’t believe that the old drunk yelling at us through his vodka cranberry at Jeffery’s Pub served as one of Bayard Rustin’s most trusted advisors.

To be fair, there are a lot of us who could do more for “the cause”, but that’s easier said than done. It takes a special person to dedicate any portion of his life to improving the lives of others. Hell, most of us can’t commit enough time to walk our dogs, much less to take part in anyone’s movement. Even if its our own. That’s what makes Grant so special, because he’s making the time to do things that a lot of us either can’t or simply won’t. What’s admirable is that he’s doing it while earning his degree. Many of us spent our time in undergrad signing guest books on Blackplanet (which is still a thing, somehow), working our way through the male portion of the Divine Nine, and trying to figure out how not to get clocked, but Grant is doing something a bit more constructive— he’s making change.

Grant is currently serving as a student ambassador and intern for Austin Community College’s Career and Transfer Services Department where he assists students in academic, professional and personal development. And before you picture this role as being something he does out of one office, don’t. He’s assisting students at eleven different locations. The role requires Grant to aid students in preparing themselves as they narrow their focus on their profession of choice, and allows him to provide them with guidance as they ready themselves to attend their university of choice. He also helps students to create pathways to internships and volunteer opportunities as well. But wait, there’s more. “I also create and implement events and workshops on building an effective and useful Linkedin, networking etiquette and skills, and ways to build and manage [...] social media platforms as well…”

Grant also works with the Black (blAACk) Student Success Committee as well. Is anyone else tired yet? “I am the Vice Chair and my primary responsibility is to insure that Black and Brown students have spaces and events for them that are inclusive and equitable.” He cites equity and inclusion as the framework for the majority of the work he does with students, and works with a number of nonprofits, business, change makers and community leaders to ensure that ACC’s students are getting the best opportunity to grow personally, academically and professionally as well.  “But, both my positions at ACC are very similar just different frameworks; Career and Transfer focuses on accessibility and opportunity for all students and BSSC focuses on enriching the lives of Black and Brown students while attending ACC.” Someone get this young man a cape! 

Grant’s professional experience in post-secondary education make him an asset as they allow him to see things through the lens of an administrator and a student. Such, it should come as no surprise that he’s able to spot what’s missing when it comes to the needs of SGL students of color. “ I feel that SGL students need more services geared towards networking, awareness, knowledge, and mentorship.” he says. “Networking is important and Austin has such a small LGBTQIA community, but WE are HERE.” He believes that networking should be prioritized to ensure that SGL students have access to solid support system and to spaces where they can openly discuss the issues they face with other SGL students. 

Nearly a decade ago, Dan Save and his partner, Terry Miller gave rise to a global movement that would go on to empower SGL youth around the world with three words—- it gets better. The movement soon went viral and reached millions of SGL youth with its empowering promise of a a better life beyond the bullying. We’re just gonna keep it one hunned for a moment and remind everyone reading this that the movement, no matter how great, didn’t appear to be for us. No matter how unintentional, the movement’s message appears to cater to a mostly white crowd. However, we’re super thankful that we’ve got young people like Grant who recognize that bullying, along with mental health awareness, and suicide prevention are color blind. 

“SGL students face microaggressions, they have trauma, and they combat various issues that most end up being silent about due to the lack of access to assistance OR stigma in their city or community.” Grant wants for SGL students to be aware of the resources, clinics, and organizations that are not only at their disposal, but that specialize in raising awareness to the issues that SGL students face. Anyone who’s ever gotten the college experience knows the stress that comes along with it, but the added challenges of  misgendering, institutional abuse, and being denied by your family, that’s enough to break anyone. Grant cites mentorship as another need for SGL students of color. “We all need a mentor to enrich our lives and [to] alleviate the pain we all feel inside…We need mothers and fathers in the LGBTQIA+ community to be the pillars of support like Sara Cunningham.”

A portion of Grant’s time is dedicated to Austin Justice Coalition a grassroots, activist-led organization addressing community needs, increasing political involvement, empowering communities, and criminal justice reform at the local level. “I work primarily on civic and community engagement, public policy, and public / media relations for the organization. Funny enough I made a post seeking an internship or fellowship and Chas Moore, whom I worked with in the past, commented and messaged me via Facebook and offered me an amazing and one-in-a-lifetime opportunity to be the first, hopefully not the last, Community and Policy Fellow with them.”  Grant hasn’t done much in his role to date but has promised that he’ll change that if we give him a couple of months. 

Grant has, and will undoubtedly continue, make strides within the community. His drive is beyond admirable, and based on what we know about his lineage, it might be genetic. Both of his parents hold their Ph.Ds. Grant’s mother is his an educator, who holds a Ph.D in Education and Leadership Curriculum, while his father, a Bishop and author, obtained his Ph.D in Theology with a  concentration in Religious Education. “My parents have accomplished so much and have proven themselves worthy of the praise” he says, “I mean, the day I was born my mom walked down the aisle and obtained her Master’s degree, so the pressure is real because black excellence and the love for education and knowledge has been embedded in my life as well as my brothers.” 

Grant plans to attend law school and that he’ll “hopefully” obtain his S.J.D because of his “love for advocacy and activism and to lowkey brag.” He’s super serious about securing a future for himself and for his family, especially for his parents who he believes have spent close to, if not more than, a million dollars on him throughout his twenty year life. Yeah, you read that right. Grant is doing the most at twenty years old, and we are absolutely here for it. He’s actually doing more than what you’ve read, but we failed to notify young Grant of our three page minimum!

Grant is only two decades into this thing called life, and he’s already taken it by the horns. He’s doing, and will continue to do, more than most of his generational cohorts. He is a shining example of the best that Generation Z, the first generation of true digital natives, has to offer. He cites his parents as personal inspirations.  “My parents inspire me for two different reasons; my father inspires me as an entrepreneur as he has always shown me it's not about who you are, it's about how good your heart is and how passionate you are.” Grant credits his father for teaching him about the importance of humility and on how to be a reasonable and confident leader. Grant says that the lessons he’s learned from his mother come as a result of her continued demonstration of perseverance and determination. 

“Not only did my mom show me what it means to work hard and gain the harvest you sow, but she showed me what it means to truly be a caregiver and educator by the love she bestowed onto me and my brothers as well…”  Grant’s grandmother, whom he calls his heart beat, serves as another source of inspiration. “I give thanks to the very breath she takes, as she practically raised me and stood by me against all odds. She was the first to ever acknowledge my sexuality and to accept me for who I was, mannerisms and all. My grandmother is practically the warmth I need when I have dark thoughts or bad days, she is the one I run to as my sanctuary and will always.”

Grant’s parents pushed him into being the man, student, and leader that he is, while his grandmother shaped him into being the caregiver and lover that he is today. He also notes the influence that James Bladwin has had on him as well. “Baldwin is the reason I am the unapologetic pansexual Black man that I am today. James Baldwin was controversial and that’s why he inspires me. He was a Black and openly gay man who changed the narrative of how we view, understand, and approach QPOC, their sexuality and identities.“

Grant describes himself as an old soul who enjoys jazz, blues and R&B. Ari Lennox and Aretha Franklin are two of his faves, and he enjoys doing spoken word in his free time...however its hard to imagine that he has a lot of that. Grant is a naturalist who loves mother nature, running track, hiking, jogging and dancing from time to time.   He stans for a good chicken and shrimp curry and thinks the world could benefit from more understanding and empathy. “I feel this [understanding and empathy] leads to more acceptance more than tolerance, respect, admiration, and recognizing the value of someone, who they are, and the story they have.”

Grant Loveless is one of those children of the future Whiteney sang about, and its important that we all do our part to acknowledge those who, like Grant, go as hard for others as they do for themselves. He has a passion for serving those who would otherwise be ignored, and in giving a voice to those who have been silenced.

He is committed to using his own experiences to aid others in learning and growing, and is constantly showing others how they can be better advocates for the LGBTQIA community. Part of this comes from understanding of why having a sense of community is important. “The worst thing in the world is to feel misplaced,” he says. “Without a sense of community you feel like you’re in an abyss, and that you’re alone.” We are beyond pleased to have Grant featured as November’s Black, Gay, and Gifted, because he represents something something that a lot of people his age have lost sight of, the future.

Jeremy Carter